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Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Support services include the following:

  • Sign Language Interpreters
  • Real-Time Captioners
  • In-class Aide (such as notetakers)
  • A limited number of assistive listening devices and tape recorders

Requests for support services

Requests must be made through the DSPS office by completing the Online Letter(s) of Accommodation(s) Request form.
Interpreters and Real-Time Captioners are also available for class-related assignments such as orientation meetings, tutoring sessions, meetings with instructors, and other college-related activities.
Please inform In-Class Support Services located in the DSPS office under the following circumstances:

  • You are not going to class.
  • You add or drop a class. (You are responsible for adding and dropping your own classes.)
  • Your classroom number changes.
  • You change your address or phone number.
  • You need an Interpreter or RTC for any field trips or meetings with your teacher.


help to communicate what the instructor and students are saying. Often, the interpreters need to sit in front of the classroom to hear the instructor clearly.

Real-Time Captioners

The captioners will give you the full lecture notes. The notes will be put in your folder at DSPS. If you do not show up for class, you will not be given the notes from that day. Also, if you leave the class early, the captioner will not stay in the class. Please do not give your notes to other students from the class.

No Shows

Please call In-Class Support Services for Interpreter and RTC services or In-Class Aide Services if you are not going to be in class. If you are late for class, your Interpreters, RTC, or In-Class Aide will wait 15 minutes for an hour class and 30 minutes for classes over an hour.
Two no-shows in a row for a class or tutoring session without informing In-Class Support Services and your services will be temporarily discontinued for that class. These services include Sign Language Interpreting, Real-Time Captioning, or In-Class Aide. If you would like services reinstated, you must schedule an appointment to meet with a DSPS Counselor or Coordinator to discuss student responsibilities and your academic progress. Please note that if services are reinstated, the same provider may or may not be available, so a replacement provider may be scheduled.

Faculty Tips to Support Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Visual Aids are a tremendous help to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Make full use of dry erase boards, film projectors, films, diagrams, and printed materials. If possible, write key vocabulary on the board or overhead projector. Words such as here, there, these, and this one, which do not identify the actual article or subject, do not translate well. Using phrases such as the box, the square, the color, which are much more visual cues.

Notetakers are often necessary because Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students must constantly watch the interpreter. Notetakers may be fellow students from the class who are volunteers or people from outside of the class who are paid by DSPS. If you have a suggestion for an appropriate notetaker, please let the student know and the student will explain the process. If we are unable to obtain a notetaker from the class, In-Class Support Services will attempt to provide note taking services.

Tutors will be provided upon request through In-Class Support Services.


As an academic adjustment or accommodation, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students may require extended time for written tests. Our office is available to proctor tests if requested. Students should meet with their counselors to discuss specific accommodations. If students need to take the test or quiz outside the classroom, their counselor needs to fill out a proctor form that requires your signature. Once the form is filled out, students will return the form to DSPS. DSPS will be more than happy to answer any questions regarding testing accommodations

Communication Strategies to Use with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

  • Address the students directly. For example, you can say, “What do you think about this chapter?” rather than what they think about this chapter. The interpreter or RTC will facilitate communication for you and the student.
  • Interpreters or RTCs are required to interpret and record everything that is occurring in and around the assignment setting. This includes the instructor’s lecture and other students’ comments. Interpreters will verbalize comments from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student. To maintain their neutrality, Interpreters or RTCs do not participate in classroom activities.
  • Interpreter or RTC services are provided free for any college-related function such as speeches, instructor conferences, tutoring sessions, special events, etc. Interpreters will also be provided for field trips, if available. Students are responsible for making arrangements through In-Class Support Services at least two weeks in advance.
  • Interpreters will interpret what the instructor and students are saying. Often, the interpreters need to sit in front of the classroom to hear the instructor clearly. A copy of handouts can also be greatly beneficial so that the interpreters can glance at the handout and more fully understand the context of the lecture.

Using Interpreters for Quizzes and Tests

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students have the right to request an interpreter for tests and quizzes. The interpreter never provides assistance in answering the questions.
Instructors, please be advised: If a student has two consecutive unexcused absences, support services will be suspended for that class. Students must contact DSPS in order for services to be reinstated. The Interpreters and Real-Time Captioners working in your classroom should not have access to personal information regarding the student or their progress in their classes.

If you have any questions, please call In-Class Support Services Specialist: Mike Warner
Videophone (with translation to voice available): (916) 993-3087