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Getting Started

  1. Plug in before turning on for the first time.
  2. Press the power button. On the Chromebook, the power button is located on the left hand side of the      A   "welcome"   screen   will   appear   when   the   Chromebook first boots up.
  3. On the “Welcome” screen. You can change the language. Use the  "Language"  drop-down  list  to  choose  your  default  language  In addition, you can enable accessibility features on “welcome” screen.
  4. Later you can change accessibility features:
    1. Click your account photo.
    2. Click Settings.
    3. Select Advanced from the bottom of the list.
    4. In the Accessibility section, click Manage accessibility features.
    5. Choose the accessibility features you would like to enable:
    6. Text-to-Speech: Turn on the screen reader or select-to-speak

Display: High contrast mode, screen magnifier, screen resolution, text size

Keyboard: Sticky keys, on-screen keyboard, highlighting, keyboard repeat rate, word prediction

Mouse and touchpad: Automatic clicking, tap dragging, large cursor (and change its size), cursor highlighting

Audio: Play all sounds together through all speakers

  • Click “Let’s go”.
  • Connect to network. Select a  network  from  the  "Select  a  network"  list  to  connect  to  the    If  network  access  is  protected,  you  will  need  an  access  password to connect to it.
  • Accept the Terms of Service. Once connected to a network, accept the Terms of Service. Your Chromebook will then download any available system updates, so you automatically get the latest Chrome OS features.

First Time Sign In

  • There two options to sign-in on Chromebooks. One with your Google account and another one as guest.
  • Sign-in with Google account. You can create a new Google Account if you do not already have one. Select Create a Google Account to set up a new account. A Google Account gives  you  access  to  useful  web  services  developed  by  Google, such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Calendar.
  • Sign in to your Google Account If  you  already  have  a  Google  Account, enter your  Email or phone and click Next after enter the password and  select  the  Next button.
  • Sync Options. Select box under Review sync options following setup, click Accept, and continue. Verify the options and click Next
  • Install Apps. Select Apps which you want to install and click Install & continue. If you do not want to install any click
  • Advanced Sync Settings. On the open advanced sync settings verify and change settings. After close the window.