Getting Started
- Plug in before turning on for the first time.
- Press the power button. On the Chromebook, the power button is located on the left hand side of the A "welcome" screen will appear when the Chromebook first boots up.
- On the “Welcome” screen. You can change the language. Use the "Language" drop-down list to choose your default language In addition, you can enable accessibility features on “welcome” screen.
- Later you can change accessibility features:
- Click your account photo.
- Click Settings.
- Select Advanced from the bottom of the list.
- In the Accessibility section, click Manage accessibility features.
- Choose the accessibility features you would like to enable:
- Text-to-Speech: Turn on the screen reader or select-to-speak
Display: High contrast mode, screen magnifier, screen resolution, text size
Keyboard: Sticky keys, on-screen keyboard, highlighting, keyboard repeat rate, word prediction
Mouse and touchpad: Automatic clicking, tap dragging, large cursor (and change its size), cursor highlighting
Audio: Play all sounds together through all speakers
- Click “Let’s go”.
- Connect to network. Select a network from the "Select a network" list to connect to the If network access is protected, you will need an access password to connect to it.
- Accept the Terms of Service. Once connected to a network, accept the Terms of Service. Your Chromebook will then download any available system updates, so you automatically get the latest Chrome OS features.
First Time Sign In
- There two options to sign-in on Chromebooks. One with your Google account and another one as guest.
- Sign-in with Google account. You can create a new Google Account if you do not already have one. Select Create a Google Account to set up a new account. A Google Account gives you access to useful web services developed by Google, such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Calendar.
- Sign in to your Google Account If you already have a Google Account, enter your Email or phone and click Next after enter the password and select the Next button.
- Sync Options. Select box under Review sync options following setup, click Accept, and continue. Verify the options and click Next
- Install Apps. Select Apps which you want to install and click Install & continue. If you do not want to install any click
- Advanced Sync Settings. On the open advanced sync settings verify and change settings. After close the window.