Understanding the College’s Expectations of Behavior and Conduct
American River College (ARC) promotes a learning community of academic integrity & personal dignity. As an Institution of Higher Education ARC is committed to the free exchange of ideas, respect for the contributions and dignity of every person.
ARC strives to create a learning environment that celebrates diversity, fosters academic achievement and personal responsibility.
Expectations of Student Behavior and Conduct
Misconduct for which students are subject to discipline includes the following:
- Obstruction or disruption of the learning process of the college, including teaching, administration, and college activities
- Physical or threatening abuse of any person on college-owned or controlled property or at any college-sponsored or supervised activity
- Theft of or damage to property of any person on college-owned or controlled property or at a college-sponsored or supervised activity
- Unauthorized entry to or use of college facilities
- Violation of Los Rios District Board Policies and Administrative Regulations - 2000 Student Series and/or ARC Rules. Please refer to Los Rios District - Office of General Counsel
- Disorderly, lewd, obscene, or indecent conduct or expression on college-owned or controlled property or at college-sponsored or supervised activities
- Willful disturbance at any college meeting
Academic Dishonesty is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means including, but not limited to the following:
- Copying from someone else's test
- Submitting work that is not your own
- Submitting work presented previously in another course, if contrary to the rules of either course
- Altering or interfering with grading
- Using material during an exam that is not allowed
- Consulting with someone other than the instructor during an exam
- Committing other acts that defraud or misrepresent
Plagiarism is representing the work of someone else as your own and submitting it for any purpose. Plagiarism includes the following:
- Incorporating the ideas, works, sentences, paragraphs, or parts of another person's writings without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as your own work
- Representing another's artistic or scholarly work as your own
- Submitting a paper purchased from a research or term paper service
Other acts of dishonesty include the following:
- Purposely allowing another student to copy from you during a test
- Giving your homework, term paper, or other academic work to another person to plagiarize
- Having another student submit work in your name
- Lying to an instructor to improve your grade
- Altering a graded work after it has been returned and then re-submitting the work for re-grading
- Removing a test from the classroom
- Stealing tests
Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, students may incur the following consequences:
- Receive a failing grade on the test or paper
- Have a course grade lowered
- Be placed on disciplinary probation or suspension
- Expulsion
It is the students’ responsibility to carefully read each class syllabus, follow all class rules and understand the consequences per the professor. While in class, it is essential that students pay close attention to lectures, presentations, discussions, and other in-class activities, and to be respectful of classmates. Please observe all quiet zones.
ARC is committed to a drug and alcohol-free campus. The abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol disrupts classes, compromises one's physical and mental health, subjects people to criminal penalties, and impairs the ability to benefit from the learning experience. The LRCCD Standards of Student Conduct prohibit the use, sale, or possession on campus of any controlled substance. Students who abuse drugs or alcohol on campus, or appear at a college-sponsored function under the influence of drugs or alcohol, can be suspended, expelled, and/or criminally prosecuted. Los Rios District Board Policies - 2000 Student Series (LRCCD Policy 2443)
Possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals, or deadly weapons on college property or at a college function without prior authorization of the college President or designated representative is grounds for expulsion.
ARC does not tolerate sexual assault or harassment in any form, including sexual violence, relationship violence, or stalking. ARC has procedures in place to support those who report sexual assault and harassment.
Students are encouraged to report any incidences in one of three ways:
- File a report with the ARC Sexual Harassment Officer or contact Title IX Officer:
Dr. Nicole Porter
(916) 484-8462 - File a report with the ARC Sexual Harassment Officer (Located in the Instruction Office, Administration Building)
Students have the right to demonstrate in a responsible manner, under the following conditions:
- Demonstrations will in no manner interfere with any class, community service program, or other approved activity being conducted on campus.
- Demonstrations will neither impede access to and from buildings nor block normal traffic flow, pedestrian or vehicular.
- Amplified sound is permitted only during specified times and with campus permission (contact Center for Leadership and Development for information). Excessive noise is not permitted.
- Students will not be granted excused absences from classes to participate in demonstrations.
- No obscenities or challenges that create a clear and present danger of inciting physical reactions will be tolerated.
- Students participating in on-campus demonstrations are not immune from civil regulations and penalties.
Student fliers, advertisements, or other student-related activities must be approved by the Center for Leadership and Development before posting in approved locations. Unauthorized material will be removed. Approval is subject to Los Rios Community College Board Policies and ARC Rules.
Any person on college-owned property or at college-sponsored or supervised activities who engages in disruptive behavior is subject to disciplinary and legal actions by the College President or his or her designee
Animals are not permitted in college buildings or on college property except for service animals and trainees meeting the requirements.
Gambling is prohibited on campus.
No student or other person connected with ARC or in attendance at the college shall participate in hazing, conspire to engage in hazing, or commit any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces any person attending the college.