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Home Student Resources Math Learning Center

A Mastery-Based Approach to Learning Math

At the MLC, you will find a mastery-based approach to learning math under the guidance of an instructor and with tutorial support. You will learn by reading, watching video lectures, and completing practice problems.

To be successful, you will need to be self-directed, self-motivated, and committed to staying ahead of testing deadlines.


MLC Phone: (916) 484-8632

Program Co-Directors:

Cristina Domokos

Joe Caputo

Lead Instructional Assistant
Thom Puckett

If interested in being a tutor in the MLC contact:

Tutorial Service Assistant
Andrés Anlas Salmon
(916) 484-4579

Tutoring Hours

Monday through Thursday
7:30 am to 3:50 pm STEM 201

4:00 pm to 8:50 pm on Zoom

7:30 am to 2:50 pm STEM 201

8:00 am to 1:50 pm on Zoom

Math Learning Center Logo

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater."
~ Albert Einstein

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