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Office of Tribal Relations

Home About Us Mission, Vision, and Values Office of Tribal Relations


To foster reciprocal and authentic relationships between tribal nations and the college for the benefit of Native student experiences and outcomes.

Tribal Liaison

Native American Resource Center

The Office Of Tribal Relations Provides The Following:

  • Advises the college community on Sacramento regional tribal history, treaties, sovereignty, self-governance, protocols, customs and traditions, natural resources, cultural properties, and other issues concerning the college’s relations with Native American tribal governments.
  • Represents the college in various community settings involving Native American constituents.
  • Advocates for Native students in the context of their status as tribal citizens.
  • Addresses campus issues that impact tribal nations and tribal citizens.
  • Builds formal relationships with local tribes, other tribes within California, and tribes in the country.
  • Helps to create pathways and partnership for tribal citizens in college.
  • Communicates with local K-12 Indian Education programs, government partners, primary and secondary schools, and relevant community and state agencies. 
  • Advises the campus on culturally competent protocols for communicating and engaging with citizens of tribal nations.
  • Informs tribal communities about the college’s programs and services. 
  • Works collaboratively with equity initiatives, campus leadership, academic divisions, student services, and enrollment services to improve the recruitment and retention of Native students through structural alignment involving input from tribes. 
  • Works collaboratively with counselors, instructors, college nurses, and/or other appropriate college staff to implement elements of the tribal MOU’s. 
  • Provides advice and review of technical documents, facilities planning, academic departments with traditional cultural property inventories, and curriculum dealing with Native Americans.

Land Acknowledgment Statement:

We acknowledge the land which we occupy at American River College as the traditional home of the Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok tribal nations. These sovereign people have been the caretakers of this land since time immemorial. Despite centuries of genocide and occupation the Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok continue as vibrant and resilient tribes and bands, both Federally recognized and unrecognized. We take this opportunity to acknowledge the generations that have gone before as well as the present-day Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok people.