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Cross-Listed Courses

When a course is listed under two (or more) different departments in the catalog, the course is referred to as "cross-listed," "cross-referenced," or "same as." The cross-listed course has identical content under both departments' catalog listing.

If two (or more) courses are cross-listed, then a student can only earn credit for one of those courses. Students who are not sure which cross-listed course they should enroll in are encouraged to consult with a counselor.

When a cross-listed course is repeatable, the course may be taken (under either name) the total number of times stated in the catalog descriptions of the cross-listed course.

If two (or more) courses are cross-listed, then a student can only earn credit for one of those courses.
Course Number Cross-Listed Course Additional Cross-Listed Course Course Title
ACT 298 DCDT 298 N/A Work Experience in Collision Technology
ART 306 ARTNM 320 N/A Facial Expression and Anatomy
ART 314 ARTNM 370 N/A Introduction to Illustration
ART 317 ARTNM 372 N/A Character Design
ARTH 335 ARTPH 345 N/A Survey of Photography
ARTNM 320 ART 306 N/A Facial Expression and Anatomy
ARTNM 370 ART 314 N/A Introduction to Illustration
ARTNM 372 ART 317 N/A Character Design
ARTPH 345 ARTH 335 N/A Survey of Photography
AT 107 ET 250 WELD 150 Employability Skills for Technical Careers
AT 301 HORT 330 N/A Small Gas Engines, Outdoor Power Equipment
BIOL 332 NATR 301 N/A Introduction to Ornithology
BUS 320 ECON 320 N/A Concepts in Personal Finance
BUSTEC 126 CISA 126 N/A Outlook: Basics
BUSTEC 127 CISA 127 N/A Outlook: Tools
CISA 126 BUSTEC 126 N/A Outlook: Basics
CISA 127 BUSTEC 127 N/A Outlook: Tools
CISA 160 MGMT 142 N/A Project Management Techniques and Software
DCDT 200 AT 156 N/A Light Duty Diesel/Green Diesel Technology
DCDT 201 AT 157 N/A Advanced Light Duty Diesel/Green Diesel Technology
DCDT 298 ACT 298 N/A Work Experience in Clean Diesel Technology
ECE 312 PSYC 372 N/A Child Development
ECE 350 ENGED 324 N/A Introduction to Elementary Teaching with Field Experience
ECE 415 NUTRI 320 N/A Children's Health, Safety and Nutrition
ECON 320 BUS 320 N/A Concepts in Personal Finance
ENERGY 303 NATR 303 N/A Energy and Sustainability
ENGED 324 ECE 350 N/A Introduction to Elementary Teaching with Field Experience
ET 250 AT 107 WELD 150 Employability Skills for Technical Careers
FASHN 334 TA 434 N/A Vintage Costuming
GEOG 305 GEOL 320 N/A Global Climate Change
GEOG 307 GEOL 325 N/A Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters
GEOG 308 GEOL 330 N/A Introduction to Oceanography
GEOG 309 GEOL 331 N/A Introduction to Oceanography Lab
GEOL 320 GEOG 305 N/A Global Climate Change
GEOL 325 GEOG 307 N/A Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters
GEOL 330 GEOG 308 N/A Introduction to Oceanography
GEOL 331 GEOG 309 N/A Introduction to Oceanography Lab
GERON 305 PSYC 375 N/A Introduction to Geropsychology and the Aging Brain
HLACT 301 NURSE 391 N/A Supporting the Mother-Baby Connection: Evidence-Based Practices for Perinatal Care
HORT 330 AT 301 N/A Small Gas Engines, Outdoor Power Equipment
HSER 330 PSYC 365 N/A Issues of Diverse Populations
HSER 340 PSYC 400 N/A Introduction to Chemical Dependency
HSER 341 PSYC 401 N/A Physiology and Pharmacology: Alcohol & Other Drugs
HSER 342 PSYC 402 N/A Alcoholism: Intervention, Treatment & Recovery
KINES 402 NUTRI 307 N/A Nutrition for Fitness
MATH 320 PHIL 324 N/A Symbolic Logic
MGMT 142 CISA 160 N/A Project Management Techniques and Software
MUP 370 TA 466 N/A Rehearsal and Performance - Musical Ensemble
NATR 303 ENERGY 303 N/A Energy and Sustainability
NURSE 391 HLACT 301 N/A Supporting the Mother-Baby Connection: Evidence-Based Practices for Perinatal Care
NUTRI 307 KINES 402 N/A Nutrition for Fitness
NUTRI 320 ECE 415 N/A Children's Health, Safety and Nutrition
PHIL 324 MATH 320 N/A Symbolic Logic
PSYC 365 HSER 330 N/A Issues of Diverse Populations
PSYC 372 ECE 312 N/A Child Development
PSYC 375 GERON 305 N/A Introduction to Geropsychology and the Aging Brain
PSYC 400 HSER 340 N/A Introduction to Chemical Dependency
PSYC 401 HSER 341 N/A Physiology and Pharmacology: Alcohol & Other Drugs
PSYC 402 HSER 342 N/A Alcoholism: Intervention, Treatment & Recovery
TA 434 FASHN 334 N/A Vintage Costuming
TA 466 MUP 370 N/A Rehearsal and Performance - Musical Ensemble
WELD 150 AT 107 ET 250 Employability Skills for Technical Careers