Los Rios Compact in Support of Undocumented and DACA Students and Employees

Dear Los Rios Community,
The Los Rios Community College District and our colleges will continue to advocate for the rights of immigrant and undocumented communities and stand by them. The recent election results do not change the fact that everyone has a right to learn, grow, and succeed here. We are dedicated to ensuring all students and employees feel safe, valued, and empowered regardless of immigration status.
Our immigrant and undocumented communities are not alone in this journey. Los Rios stands with these communities, and will do whatever is necessary to get through this – stronger, together.
As a reminder, our district has compiled a set of resources for Undocumented Students. Students and employees can visit or contact campus Undocumented Resource Centers that provide support for undocumented and under-documented students, staff, and faculty for information:
- American River College UndocuScholar Resource Connection
- Cosumnes River College Dream Center
- Folsom Lake College Undocu-Falcons Center
- Sacramento City College Undocu-Resource Center
- Refugee Career Pathways
To that end, Los Rios has developed a Compact, signed by district and college leadership along with key stakeholder leaders, in support of immigrant, undocumented, and DACA students and employees. The Compact commits to the following immediate steps:
Los Rios Community College District Compact in Support of Undocumented and DACA Students and Employees
- Los Rios will do everything in its power to fight for the rights of our immigrant and undocumented students and employees and will always do everything possible to uphold the values of our institutions.
- Los Rios stands with state and local leaders who have pledged to do everything possible to defend the rights and protections of immigrant and undocumented Californians.
- Los Rios commits to advocating for a permanent legislative solution to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and a pathway to citizenship for our immigrant communities.
- Los Rios will immediately provide additional resources to our Undocumented Resource Centers.
- The Los Rios Police reaffirms its commitment to not participate in immigration-related activities, including arresting and/or detaining students, consistent with organizational values and state law.
- Los Rios will protect students’ rights and confidentiality and will not share the immigration status of students or employees.
- Los Rios, its colleges, and partners will do a full review of internal policies and regulations to ensure that we are doing everything possible to protect the rights of students and employees.
- The Los Rios Colleges Foundation will create Dream Center Funds with resources for each college, administered by the Undocumented Resource Center on each campus. The Foundation will encourage other community members, employees, and private and corporate funders to give support to undocumented students to help remove critical barriers to their success, such as paying for DACA renewal fees, legal fees, purchasing laptops, and additional resources.
We recognize that our immigrant communities are not alone in facing anxiety and worry amid today’s political climate. Our colleges should be, and must remain, inclusive spaces where every student, faculty, and staff member feels safe and valued. Together, we must ensure that all students have access to the support and resources necessary to navigate the challenges they encounter, enabling them to reach their academic aspirations.
Signed by:
Brian King
Chancellor, Los Rios Community College District
Lisa Cardoza
President, American River College
Edward Bush
President, Cosumnes River College
Art Pimentel
President, Folsom Lake College
Albert Garcia
President, Sacramento City College
Dr. Jason Newman
President, Los Rios College Federation of Teachers (LRCFT)
Chris Elliott
President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021
Jana Perry
President, Los Rios Supervisors Association (LRSA)
Chris Raines
President, Los Rios Management Association (LRMA)
Sandra Guzman
Dean, UndocuScholar Resource Connection
American River College
Alejandro Torres
Student Success Specialist, Dream Center
Cosumnes River College
Angelica Perez Martinez
Student Success Specialist, Undocu-Falcons Center
Folsom Lake College
Angelica Garcia Galvan
Student Success Specialist, Undocu-Resource Center
Sacramento City College
Peter Khang
Interim General Counsel, Los Rios Community College District
Harvey Woo
Chief of Police, Los Rios Police Department (LRPD)
Eric Wada
President, FLC Academic Senate
Mehdi Sougrati
Student Trustee