Business & Computer Science Lab
The Business and Computer Science lab is open virtually and in person to support Accounting, Business, Business Technology, Computer Science, Management, Marketing, and Real Estate students. Students should also utilize VMWare Horizon, which is on the Student Tech Center webpage. Students taking classes outside the Business and Computer Science division are welcome to use the computers in the lab.
Handy Lab Shortcuts
Typing Test Certification Information
Typing Test Certification ARC Business & Computer Science Computer Lab
Typing tests are not being given at this time. Please refer to Off-Campus Typing Certification Testing.
Graduation Requirement Information
Time Limit: 5-Minute
Must Score: 25 Words Per Minute (WPM) with 5 or fewer errors
Ability to Touch Type: Type alphabetic keys using the
correct fingers on the correct keys without looking at hands or keyboard.
If the above requirements are not met,
BUSTEC 300.1 must be taken, which is offered every 8 weeks.
Off-Campus Typing Certification Testing
Corestaff Services
8880 Centre Drive, Suite #100 | Sacramento, CA 95826 - Fee $10
Please call in advance for an appointment time - (916) 483-9180
Greater Sacramento Urban League
3725 Marysville Blvd. | Sacramento, CA 95838 - Fee $10 cash
Bring a valid photo ID
Call for appointment: 916-286-8600 - Press 7 and follow prompt
Hillsdale Career Center-One Stop
Sacramento Works/Sacramento Employment Training Agency (SETA)
5655 Hillsdale Blvd., Ste. 8 | Sacramento, CA 95842 - FREE
Bring two forms of ID (driver's license, social security card).
Call for appointment: 916-263-4100
Sunrise Tech Center
7322 Sunrise Blvd. | Citrus Heights, CA 95610 - Fee $25 cash payable day of test
Call for appointment: 916-971-7654
Twin Rivers Adult School - Grand Avenue Location
1333 Grand Avenue | Sacramento CA 95838 - Fee $10 cash
Call for appointment: 916-566-1600, ext. 66909
Phone: (916) 484-8214
Monday through Thursday:
7:30 am to 8:00 pm
Lab Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 am - 8:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Lead BCS Instructional Assistant:
Rachel Garcia
BCS Instructional Assistant:
Tiffany Manosh
BCS Instructional Assistant:
Jeanne Reed
BCS Instructional Assistant:
Dan Papineau
BCS Instructional Assistant:
Darin Porter