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Electronics Technology

Overview Degrees/Certificates Courses Faculty

Associate Degrees

A.S. in Biomedical Equipment Technology

This degree covers the theory, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and certification of biomedical equipment used in hospitals, medical device manufacturers, or other service organizations. It includes an in-depth study of frequently used medical equipment.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
First Semester:
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
Second Semester (Fall Semester Only):
ET 425 Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology 4
Second or Other Semesters:
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
ET 322 Semiconductors and Nanotechnology 4
ET 335 Integrated Circuits with Computer Applications 4
ET 380 Introduction to Electronic Communications 4
ET 420 Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors 4
Third Semester (Spring Semester Only):
ET 426 Advanced Biomedical Equipment Technology 4
Third or Other Semesters:
A minimum of 2 units from the following: 2
ET 260 Introduction to Medical Ultrasound Equipment (0.5)
ET 261 Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Networking (1)
ET 262 Introduction to Respiratory Therapy Ventilators (0.5)
ET 263 Introduction to Medical X-ray Imaging Equipment (1)
Total Units: 34

The Biomedical Equipment Technology Associate in Science (A.S.) degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus the local ARC General Education Requirement, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See ARC graduation requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate the data from basic preventive maintenance tests on the following equipment: multi-parameter physiological monitor, electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, blood pressure monitor, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, infusion pump, and electrosurgical unit.
  • distinguish and list various medical imaging technologies.
  • set up standard electrical measurement tools and differentiate the uses for calibration and troubleshooting of medical equipment.
  • set up the following equipment: multi-parameter physiological monitor, ECG machine, blood pressure monitor, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, infusion pump, and electrosurgical unit.
  • categorize biopotentials and electrodes as they relate to basic human anatomy and physiology systems.
  • associate the applicable regulation with the regulating organizations.
  • list and compare the different types of bioelectric amplifiers, signal processing circuits, and isolation circuits.
  • compare and contrast the protocols for working in the operating room and special care units in the hospital.

A.S. in Electronic Systems Technology

This degree combines broad-based electronic and telecommunications training with specialty areas such as robotics, fiber optics, programmable interface controllers (PICs), and stamp micro-controllers.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
First Semester - Basic Certificate:
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 308 Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques 2
Second Semester - Advanced Certificate:
ET 312 Mathematics for Circuit Analysis 3
ET 322 Semiconductors and Nanotechnology 4
Following Semesters:
ET 381 Electronic Communication Regulations 3
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
ET 335 Integrated Circuits with Computer Applications 4
ET 380 Introduction to Electronic Communications 4
ET 420 Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors 4
Total Units: 36

The Electronic Systems Technology Associate in Science (A.S.) degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus the local ARC General Education Requirement, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See ARC graduation requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • design and build several of the most common circuits used in electronics technology.
  • calculate the mathematical relationships among voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, reactance, frequency, and phase angle as they relate to electronic circuits.
  • analyze aviation, marine, and commercial communication systems that are covered in the FCC General Class Radiotelephone license examination.
  • analyze operating and defective electronic circuits by interpreting data from a variety of test and measurement equipment.
  • differentiate and diagram schematic symbols used in electronic and electrical industrial applications.
  • use common hand tools in the mechanical installation of copper and fiber optic cabling used in sophisticated communication systems.
  • research and interpret basic electronic components using manufacturers' data manuals, library resources, and the Internet.
  • evaluate electrical parameters using various types of test and measurement equipment used in the analysis of power supply, amplifier, and general electronic circuits.

Career Information

This degree provides students with the knowledge to successfully enter a variety of electronics and telecommunication careers. Working closely with our industry partners and contacts ensures our curriculum is relevant and meets the current and future needs of the Electronics and Telecommunications Industry. American River College is an official test site of the National Association of Radio and Telecommunication Engineers (NARTE) for the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) General Radio Telephone License. Obtaining the Associate of Science degree and the certificate improves the opportunities for quality employment and career advancement.

A.S. in Mechatronics

This degree provides training in a multi-disciplinary field focusing on industrial automation. Topics include electricity, electronics, industrial motor controls, programmable logic controllers, robotics, AC/DC drives, mechanical design, and manufacturing technologies.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
First Semester:
DESGN 301 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) 3
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
WELD 300 Introduction to Welding 3
Other Semesters:
DESGN 302 Technical Documentation with CADD (3) 3
   or ENGR 312 Engineering Graphics (3)
ET 193 Introduction to Robotics and Sensors 4
ET 197 Introduction to Mechatronics 4
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
Total Units: 25

The Mechatronics Associate in Science (A.S.) degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus the local ARC General Education Requirement, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See ARC graduation requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • integrate the principles of mechanical, electronic, and electrical technologies into the design of mechatronic systems.
  • evaluate mechanical and electrical solutions to technological problems.
  • apply industry-appropriate design techniques to develop technical design documents from a conceptual design.
  • design robotic and machine automation systems using mechatronic principles.
  • evaluate welding projects in accordance with welding procedures and specifications.
  • contrast DC, AC, brushless, servo, and stepper motor operation.
  • create technical documentation/presentations of models from the mechanical engineering discipline in both technically correct and visually pleasing solid, orthographic, and section view formats.
  • design programmable logic controller (PLC) programs demonstrating input/output capabilities.
  • design programs for an operator interface terminal (OIT) demonstrating input/output capabilities.

Career Information

This degree prepares students for the following technical and supervisory career opportunities: industrial mechanical/electrical systems technician, food processing machine service technician, facilities systems technician, waste water systems technician, manufacturing coordinator, field service technician, and mechanical electrical machine systems installer.

Certificates of Achievement

Advanced Electronics and Telecommunications Certificate

This certificate provides training in electronic system component identification and characteristics, semiconductor theory and application, power supply design and operation, telecommunication copper and fiber optic systems, the mathematics for circuit analysis, and advanced troubleshooting. It is designed to be completed in two semesters.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 308 Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques 2
ET 312 Mathematics for Circuit Analysis 3
ET 322 Semiconductors and Nanotechnology (4) 4
   or ET 380 Introduction to Electronic Communications (4)
   or ET 335 Integrated Circuits with Computer Applications (4)
Total Units: 17

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • analyze circuit operating characteristics by applying Ohm's, Watt's, and Kirchhoff's laws.
  • research and interpret basic electronic components using manufacturers' data manuals, library resources, and the Internet.
  • analyze and apply mathematics, including logarithms and decibels to determine, analyze, and control outputs when problem solving transistor and field effect transistor (FET) circuits.
  • evaluate electrical parameters using various types of test and measurement equipment used in the analysis of power supply and amplifier circuits.
  • apply mathematics and semiconductor theory to identify, evaluate, and troubleshoot electronic circuits.
  • calculate the mathematical relationships among voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, reactance, frequency, and phase angle as they relate to electronic circuits.
  • construct and test circuits on prototyping boards and printed circuit boards.
  • design and simulate circuits in software.

Career Information

This certificate program enables students to find employment in the electronics industry or to progress up the career ladder. Skills development in the critical areas along with electronics and telecommunications theory and laboratory practice make this an ideal certificate for those wishing to upgrade and update their electronics skills.

Biomedical Equipment Technology Certificate

This certificate covers the theory, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and certification of biomedical equipment used in hospitals, medical device manufacturers, or other service organizations. It includes an in-depth study of frequently used medical equipment.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 261 Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Networking 1
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 312 Mathematics for Circuit Analysis 3
ET 322 Semiconductors and Nanotechnology (4) 4
   or ET 335 Integrated Circuits with Computer Applications (4)
   or ET 380 Introduction to Electronic Communications (4)
ET 425 Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology 4
ET 426 Advanced Biomedical Equipment Technology 4
A minimum of 1 unit from the following: 1
ET 260 Introduction to Medical Ultrasound Equipment (0.5)
ET 262 Introduction to Respiratory Therapy Ventilators (0.5)
ET 263 Introduction to Medical X-ray Imaging Equipment (1)
ET 298 Work Experience in Electronics Technology (0.5 - 4)
Total Units: 21

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate the data from basic preventive maintenance tests on the following equipment: multi-parameter physiological monitor, electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, blood pressure monitor, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, infusion pump, and electrosurgical unit.
  • distinguish and list various medical imaging technologies.
  • set up standard electrical measurement tools and differentiate the uses for calibration and troubleshooting of medical equipment.
  • set up the following equipment: multi-parameter physiological monitor, ECG machine, blood pressure monitor, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, infusion pump, and electrosurgical unit.
  • categorize biopotentials and electrodes as they relate to basic human anatomy and physiology systems.
  • associate the applicable regulation with the regulating organizations.
  • list and compare the different types of bioelectric amplifiers, signal processing circuits, and isolation circuits.
  • compare and contrast the protocols for working in the operating room and special care units in the hospital.

Career Information

This program prepares electronics technology students for a biomedical technician internship or trainee position.

Digital Home Technology Integration Certificate

This certificate provides training to configure, integrate, maintain, and troubleshoot electronic and digital home integration systems. Coursework provides the essential skills for residential networking concepts, components, and information on home network installation. This includes techniques to install, trim, terminate, and troubleshoot cabling systems. In addition, it provides the training and skills necessary to integrate audio, security, and environmental controls in a complete system.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 385 Digital Home Technology Integration 4
ET 388 Fiber Optics 4
Total Units: 20

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • design a home data network
  • construct a home telephone network
  • evaluate and troubleshoot a home network
  • assemble a home audio and video network
  • build a wireless home network
  • certify a home data and telephone network
  • set up a security and fire alarm system in a home
  • apply industry standards to system design for a home

Career Information

This certificate prepares individuals to design, install, and support residential networks and home integration for employment in the home technology industry. It develops the technicians' ability to configure, integrate, maintain, and troubleshoot home theater, music, security, and home networks.

Electronic Systems Technology Certificate

This certificate combines broad-based electronic and telecommunications training with specialty areas such as robotics, fiber optics, programmable interface controllers (PICs), and stamp micro-controllers.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 308 Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques 2
ET 312 Mathematics for Circuit Analysis 3
ET 322 Semiconductors and Nanotechnology 4
ET 381 Electronic Communication Regulations 3
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
ET 335 Integrated Circuits with Computer Applications 4
ET 380 Introduction to Electronic Communications 4
ET 420 Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors 4
Total Units: 36

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • design and build several of the most common circuits used in electronics technology.
  • calculate the mathematical relationships among voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, reactance, frequency, and phase angle as they relate to electronic circuits.
  • analyze aviation, marine, and commercial communication systems that are covered in the FCC General Class Radiotelephone license examination.
  • analyze working and defective electronic circuits by interpreting data from a variety of test and measurement equipment.
  • differentiate and diagram schematic symbols used in electronic and electrical industrial applications.
  • use common hand tools in the mechanical installation of copper and fiber optic cabling used in sophisticated communication systems.
  • research and interpret basic electronic components using manufacturers' data manuals, library resources, and the Internet.
  • evaluate electrical parameters using various types of test and measurement equipment used in the analysis of power supply, amplifier, and general electronic circuits.

Career Information

This certificate provides students with the knowledge to successfully enter a variety of electronics and telecommunication careers. Working closely with our industry partners and contacts ensures our curriculum is relevant and meets the current and future needs of the Electronics and Telecommunications Industry. American River College is an official test site of the National Association of Radio and Telecommunication Engineers (NARTE) for the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) General Radio Telephone License.

Fiber Optics Certificate

This certificate is an introduction to fiber optics technology. Topics include fusion and mechanical splicing, fiber connectivity, optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR), and other specialized test equipment operations. System design, installation, troubleshooting, and repair are emphasized. Courses in communication theory and copper cabling are included in the certificate, producing a technician with a wide variety of skills.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 388 Fiber Optics 4
Total Units: 12

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • define the terminology used with single mode fiber optic cable.
  • apply correct safety procedures when working with high power fiber optic modules and test equipment.
  • calculate the attenuation in a complete fiber optic communication system.
  • inspect and identify fiber optic system problems.
  • evaluate communication system components for a given application.
  • compare fiber optic component specifications using manufacturers' data manuals, reference books, and the Internet.
  • perform inspection and quality control of fusion and mechanical fiber optic splices.

Career Information

This certificate prepares students for entry-level employment in a wide variety of positions in the telecommunication and fiber optic industry. It is also valuable for people working in the industry to upgrade their skill level to include the newest advancements in fiber technology.

Mechatronics Certificate

This certificate provides training in a multi-disciplinary field focusing on industrial automation. Topics include electricity, electronics, industrial motor controls, programmable logic controllers, robotics, AC/DC drives, mechanical design, and manufacturing technologies.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
DESGN 301 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) 3
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
WELD 300 Introduction to Welding 3
ET 197 Introduction to Mechatronics 4
DESGN 302 Technical Documentation with CADD (3) 3
   or ENGR 312 Engineering Graphics (3)
ET 193 Introduction to Robotics and Sensors 4
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
Total Units: 25

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • integrate the principles of mechanical, electronic, and electrical technologies into the design of mechatronic systems.
  • evaluate mechanical and electrical solutions to technological problems.
  • apply industry-appropriate design techniques to develop technical design documents from a conceptual design.
  • design robotic and machine automation systems using mechatronic principles.
  • evaluate welding projects in accordance with welding procedures and specifications.
  • contrast DC, AC, brushless, servo, and stepper motor operation.
  • create technical documentation/presentations of models from the mechanical engineering discipline in both technically correct and visually pleasing solid, orthographic, and section view formats.
  • design programmable logic controller (PLC) programs demonstrating input/output capabilities.
  • design programs for an operator interface terminal (OIT) demonstrating input/output capabilities.

Career Information

This certificate prepares students for the following career opportunities: industrial mechanical/electrical systems technician, food processing machine service technician, facilities systems technician, waste water systems technician, manufacturing coordinator, field service technician, and mechanical electrical machine systems installer.

Robotics Certificate

The certificate provides an overview of the application, programming, and design of robotic systems and components. It covers the theory and application of electronics, sensors, controllers, and robots. Various robotic platforms are used to give a wide understanding of all types of current and future systems.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 197 Introduction to Mechatronics 4
ET 193 Introduction to Robotics and Sensors 4
Total Units: 12

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • identify and describe the terminology used when working with microcontrollers.
  • program a microcontroller.
  • compare brushed DC, brushless DC, stepper, and RC servo motor characteristics.
  • construct and program mobile and pick-and-place robots.
  • calculate speed and acceleration of robotic motion.
  • describe the principles of sensors used to measure pressure and temperature.
  • create simple electronic schematics using basic schematic symbols.
  • analyze and troubleshoot basic electronic circuits.
  • diagnose simple circuit failures with standard electronic measurement devices.
  • design a PLC Logic circuit demonstrating input/output capabilities and timer and counter operation.

Career Information

This certificate may lead to careers in the following: robotics technician, manufacturing technician, automated warehouse technician, and facilities technician.

Telecommunication Specialist Certificate

This certificate provides both theory and hands-on application using fiber optics, coaxial cable, and CAT 6 data cable. All aspects of communication systems are covered including antennas, transmitters and receivers, transmission lines, and signal propagation. System design and troubleshooting are also included.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 308 Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques 2
ET 312 Mathematics for Circuit Analysis 3
ET 322 Semiconductors and Nanotechnology 4
ET 381 Electronic Communication Regulations 3
ET 253 Industrial Communication Systems Support 4
ET 380 Introduction to Electronic Communications 4
ET 388 Fiber Optics 4
Total Units: 32

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate potential problems associated with electrostatic discharge (ESD).
  • analyze and troubleshoot basic electronic circuits.
  • compare and contrast series and parallel resistive, capacitive, and inductive devices.
  • analyze the differences between surface-mount techniques and through-hole techniques.
  • analyze and describe the components of a complete telecommunication system.
  • design an office building telecommunication system using fiber optics and copper cable.
  • examine and evaluate the decibel losses and gains in a complete fiber optic communication system.
  • assess safety hazards when working with fiber optic systems and associated test equipment.
  • perform repairs and adjustments to electronic communication systems according to factory specifications.
  • install epoxy, hotmelt, anaerobic, and mechanical connectors on multimode fiber optic cable.
  • prepare cost estimates for fiber optic and copper network installation using computer software.
  • identify and diagram schematic symbols used in industrial electronic and electrical applications.
  • analyze aviation, marine and commercial communication systems that are covered in the FCC General Class Radiotelephone license examination.
  • apply FCC rules and regulations governing commercial, aviation, and marine communication systems to practical communication systems.

Career Information

This certificate provides training for design, installation, and maintenance of any type of wired or wireless communication system such as remote monitoring, radio frequency (RF) control, radio and television transmitters, public safety and government communication equipment, and fiber optic systems.


Basic Electronics and Telecommunications Certificate

This certificate provides training in basic electronics theory and applications, telecommunication copper and fiber optic systems, and surface mount soldering devices (SMD). It also includes schematic symbol interpretation and basic electronic troubleshooting. This certificate can be completed in one semester, making it an ideal stepping stone to the Advanced Electronics and Telecommunications certificate.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
A minimum of 5 units from the following: 5
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling (4)
ET 308 Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques (2)
ET 312 Mathematics for Circuit Analysis (3)
Total Units: 9

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate potential problems associated with electrostatic discharge (ESD).
  • assess safety hazards when working with electronic systems.
  • create simple electronic schematics using basic schematic symbols.
  • construct, analyze, and troubleshoot basic electronic circuits.
  • apply electrical concepts to measure and evaluate resistance, capacitance, and inductive devices and circuits.
  • synthesize and analyze electronic circuitry using computer electronic-simulation software.
  • diagnose simple circuit failures with basic electronic measurement devices.
  • assemble electronic circuits using basic soldering techniques.
  • solve mathematical and algebraic problems as applied to electronic circuits.
  • apply Ohm's, Watt's, and Kirchhoff's laws to determine and analyze circuit operating characteristics.

Career Information

This certificate is designed for anyone wanting to enter the electronics or telecommunications industry. It satisfies the requirements of a variety of entry-level positions such as printed circuit board (PCB) assembler, telecommunication field technician, or rework technician.

Basic Mechatronics Certificate

This certificate provides introductory training in the multidisciplinary field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical and electronic technologies. Topics include introductory courses in electronics, programmable logic controllers, basic CAD design, and welding.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
DESGN 301 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) 3
ET 197 Introduction to Mechatronics 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
WELD 300 Introduction to Welding 3
Total Units: 14

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • integrate the basic principles of mechanical, electronic, and electrical technologies into the design of mechatronic systems.
  • evaluate mechanical and electrical solutions to technological problems.
  • apply basic design techniques to develop technical design documents.
  • design basic robotic and machine automation systems using mechatronic principles.
  • create and evaluate welding projects in accordance with welding procedures and specifications.

Career Information

This certificate prepares students for internships and entry-level employment with local industries using mechatronic and design principles.

Soldering and Cabling Certificate

This course covers Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC) standards for the inspection and evaluation of printed circuit boards and cable assemblies used in the electronics industry. ET 308, Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques, and this course qualifies students to take the tests for IPC Electronic Circuits Specialist and Certified IPC Application Specialist certifications. These certifications are valued by local employers. Field trips may be required.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
ET 115 Fiber Optics and Telecommunication Cabling 4
ET 302 Principles of Electricity and Electronics 4
ET 308 Technical Soldering Practices and Techniques 2
ET 309 Soldering and Cabling Quality Standards 3
Total Units: 13

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • create simple electronic schematics using basic schematic symbols.
  • analyze and troubleshoot basic electronic circuits.
  • differentiate, setup, and operate a wide variety of soldering and desoldering equipment, workstations, and fixtures that may require visual observation.
  • inspect and evaluate solder connections in accordance to industry standards.
  • demonstrate the skill of soldering and desoldering under varying conditions.
  • assemble and construct connectors and plugs used in telecommunication systems.
  • identify and describe the use of tools and test equipment necessary for fiber optic and copper cable installations.

Career Information

This certificate may lead to careers in the following: soldering, PC board repair, cable assembler, cable designer, printed circuit board inspector, cable assembly inspector, electronics industry inspector or management.