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Home About Us ICT Accessibility Guidelines ICT Policies and Regulations

This section contains an explanation of the institution's guiding principles related to ICT accessibility. The Los Rios Community College District and its four Colleges are committed to providing websites, course materials, documents, and business applications that are accessible to all current and future students, faculty, staff, and other constituents. Student access to inclusive educational opportunities is one of the College's highest priorities and requires a community of stakeholders to design, monitor, and uphold accessible practices. Offices across all campuses work collaboratively to provide an environment free from discrimination and to protect the rights and dignity of students, faculty, and staff. The Accessibility Task Force recommends the following draft policies and regulations for vetting and approval through the participatory governance process.

Policy 7136 ICT Accessibility

It is the policy of the Los Rios Community College District and its Colleges to work to provide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that is accessible to current and future students, faculty, staff, and other constituents and to make the District/Colleges accessible institutions.

Read Policy 7136: ICT Accessibility (PDF)

Policy 8321: Contracts and Contract Procedures

Staff and administrator adopters of ICT shall select ICT that is accessible unless to do so places an undue burden on the District/College, or to do so will fundamentally alter the nature of the educational program or service.

Read Policy 8321: Contracts and Contract Procedures (PDF)

Regulation 8321: Contracts and Contract Procedures

As part of the purchasing process of ICT, the vendor shall supply: A verified Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) based on the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) version 2.2; a statement that provides an evaluation of the product's accessibility; and Test results showing the product is accessible.

Read Regulation 8321: Contracts and Contract Procedures (PDF)

Download ICT Accessibility Program (PDF)