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Course Prefixes


Course prefixes beginning with the letter A.
Prefix Subject Name
ACCT Accounting
ACT Automotive Collision Technology
ADAPT Adapted Physical Education
ADMJ Administration of Justice
AH Allied Health
ANTH Anthropology
ARTH Art History
ARTNM Art New Media
ARTPH Art Photography
ASTR Astronomy
AT Automotive Technology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter B.
Prefix Subject Name
BIOL Biology
BIOT Biotechnology
BUS Business
BUSTEC Business Technology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter C.
Prefix Subject Name
CALJA CAL-JACs Firefighter Apprenticeship
CARPT Carpentry
CHEM Chemistry
CISA Computer Information Science – Applications
CISC Computer Information Science – Core
CISD Computer Information Sciences - Data
CISN Computer Information Science – Networking
CISP Computer Information Science – Programming
CISS Computer Information Science – Security
CISW Computer Information Science – Web


Course prefixes beginning with the letter D.
Prefix Subject Name
DCDT Diesel/Clean Diesel Technology
DEAF Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies
DESGN Design and Engineering Technology
DRLTH Drywall/Lathers


Course prefixes beginning with the letter E.
Prefix Subject Name
ECE Early Childhood Education
ECON Economics
ELECT Electrical Apprenticeship
ELEVA Elevator
ELTRN Electrician Trainee
EMT Emergency Medical Technology
ENGCW English – Creative Writing
ENGED Education/Teaching
ENGLT English – Literature
ENGRD English – Reading
ENGWR English – Writing
ENGR Engineering
ESL English as a Second Language
ESLG English as a Second Language – Grammar
ESLL English as a Second Language – Listening
ESLLAB English as a Second Language – Lab
ESLR English as a Second Language – Reading
ESLW English as a Second Language – Writing
ET Electronics Technology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter F.
Prefix Subject Name
FASHN Fashion
FFS Fire and Forestry Services
FIRE Fire Technology
FITNS Fitness
FSE Funeral Service Education
FT Fire Technology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter G.
Prefix Subject Name
GENSCI General Science
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GERM German
GERON Gerontology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter H.
Prefix Subject Name
HCI Healthcare Interpreting
HCD Human Career Development
HEED Health Education
HIST History
HLACT Human Lactation
HLS Homeland Security
HM Hospitality Management
HORT Horticulture
HSER Human Services
HUM Humanities


Course prefixes beginning with the letter I.
Prefix Subject Name
IDES Interior Design
INDIS Interdisciplinary Studies
INTRP ASL-English Interpreting
IS International Studies
ITAL Italian
IW Iron Workers


Course prefixes beginning with the letter J.
Prefix Subject Name
JOUR Journalism


Course prefixes beginning with the letter K.
Prefix Subject Name
KINES Kinesiology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter L.
Prefix Subject Name
LA Legal Studies
LIBR Library
LRC Learning Resource Center


Course prefixes beginning with the letter M.
Prefix Subject Name
MATH Mathematics and Statistics
MATHS Mathematics Support
MGMT Management
MKT Marketing
MUFHL Music – Fundamentals, History, and Literature
MUIVI Music – Instrumental/Voice Instruction
MUP Music – Performance
MUSM Music – Specializations in Music


Course prefixes beginning with the letter N.
Prefix Subject Name
NATR Natural Resources
NURSE Nursing
NUTRI Nutrition


Course prefixes beginning with the letter O.
Prefix Subject Name
OE3 Operating Engineers Apprenticeship


Course prefixes beginning with the letter P.
Prefix Subject Name
PACT Personal Activity
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
PLUMB Apprenticeship – Plumbing
PMED Paramedic
POLS Political Science
PREAP Pre-Apprenticeship
PROPTX Property Tax
PSTC Sacramento Regional Public Safety Training Center
PSYC Psychology


Course prefixes beginning with the letter R.
Prefix Subject Name
RC Respiratory Care
RE Real Estate
RECR Recreation
RUSS Russian


Course prefixes beginning with the letter S.
Prefix Subject Name
SHME Sheet Metal
SJS Social Justice Studies
SLPA Speech-Language Pathology
SMTEC Sheet Metal Technology
SOC Sociology
SOCSC Social Science
SPAN Spanish
SPORT Sports
SPEECH Speech Communication
STAT Statistics


Course prefixes beginning with the letter T.
Prefix Subject Name
TA Theatre Arts
TAFILM Theatre Arts Film
TAP Theatre Arts Performance
TECCOM Technical Communication
TMACT Team Activity


Course prefixes beginning with the letter W.
Prefix Subject Name
WELD Welding
WEXP Work Experience